Saturday 5th of November was not just the 406th anniversary of an attempt by a group of religious zealots to seize power, it was also the 10th anniversary of the death of activist Barry Horne (see SchNEWS 330).
Barry died while on hunger strike in Full Sutton Prison, protesting against Neo-Labour’s support of the vivisection industry. This was despite them promising (before they got into power mind) that they would bring the practice to an end. At the time Barry was serving 18 years for firebombing a number of branches of Boots, who were still testing on animals.
Around 200 marched to Huntingdon Life Sciences, while many other demos, actions and gigs (including the SchNEWS benefit) were dedicated to the memory of the man whose commitment brought international media attention and served as motivation for countless activists.
And sadly his battle still needs fighting; HLS are still going – so if you want to carry on Barry’s work see : HLS demo marks 10th anniversary of activist’s death
source: 11 NOV 2011 #