Nonhuman-inslusive The term ‘veganism’ describes the ethical and practical exclusion of any animal- and animal derived product or animal-involving procedures/exploitation utilized to serve human interests. It does not say or indicate yet how nonhuman animals should be implied actively into any framework that implies humans/human societies, as a solution to the existent predominant catastrophic human-animal […]
Edition Farangis: Animal Autonomy E-Reader; ISSN 2700-693X Edition Farangis: Animal Autonomy E-Reader 2024 Edition Farangis: Animal Autonomy E-Reader, Jahrgang 5, Nr. 6, Oktober 2024 Animal Sapiens Antispe. Fragments: Antispe means a different approach to the Anthropocene Edition Farangis: Animal Autonomy E-Reader, Jahrgang 5, Nr. 5, September 2024 Edition Farangis: Animal Autonomy E-Reader 2023. Hefte 1 – […]
Biologism equals speciesism. In our nonhuman-inclusive approach the definition of biologism would be, e.g. > the interpretation of animal life from a strictly biological point of view; the use of biological explanations in the analysis of social situations – in general!
Specifics of speciesism: History, how we see “the past” and how we preserve “what is important”. This fragment as a PDF Our collectively built historical consciousness, the legacies nonhuman-ignorant communities and collectives value: We relegate nonhuman animal history and nonhuman history in general into the natural-historic chapter of basically human history. We ignore nonhuman narratives; […]
Problems of superficiality are still relatively prevalent in the current vegan movement Why veganism is not an automatic remedy against social and political superficiality? Social: 1. -isms prevail despite e.g. most prominently the reckognizable intersectionality discussion. 2. Levels of ‘internal’ and ‘external’ communication aren’t being (critically) reflected within the vegan mainstream. 3. The idea of […]
I scribbled this down for my friend hiesl @germanvegan, and we want to share these brief thoughts with everyone else … Some basic radical antispe considerations about activities on a theoretical and practical plane Theoretical / practical activities that help combat speciesism in the environment in your reach: – Make being a radical antispeciesist part […]
A nonhuman-inclusive critique of the view on aesthetics and speciesism on the current Animal Rights and Animal Liberation movements (fragment) This fragment as a PDF The Animal Rights discussion ends here: The missing discussion of specifics of nonhuman oppression, in its exact manifestations as humiliation, degradation, negation, violence is currently a hinderance of further development […]
If you keep relegating animality into reductive frameworks while doing animal advocacy work, your activism isn’t really aware of the scopes of ethical, political, sociological interfaces between nature-animality-humanity … Messel; Nonhuman-inclusive; Animal Autonomy Where intersections turn crossroads: shared factors of oppressive functions, separating markers. Seeing what makes each case unique might help putting the puzzles […]