Animal Rights Pornography – Definition

Animal rights porn – definition

A corporate advertisement that extols the company’s ethically motivated animal rights or animal protection measures taken, their record or policies – usually by a company known to rape and pillage nonhuman animal concerns as thoroughly as possible.

A: Have you seen those new campaign targets by the PETA, that show how easily “animal friendly” can become a misleading term?

B: Could be called “AR porn”.


A: Have you seen PETAs recent campaign for animals?

B: Yes, but … check their policies on euthanasia.

AR-pornography, animal rights pornography, considerate-about-nonhuman-beings white washing

PETA actually run an “animal rights porn” site, maybe to try to ridiculously cover up that fact that they do make animal rights porn but in another sense.

You can’t call a lip service “help”, you can’t even call a an action “help”, when all the “help” you think you are giving is undone by the next steps you are taking. And that happens routinely in the case of PETA, most obviously with the euthanasia of nonhuman animals.

Apart from this their campaigns cater to an anti AR rethoric, and only thus gain a lot of support from defiant activists, who oversimplify the anatomy of the speciesist mindset and the type of argument you should confront your opponents with.

When AR activists don’t see that being for animal rights is not a matter of belonging to a certain group, but that it’s the actions and specific opinions and attitudes that matter, then such people can rightly be called ethically short sighted.

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